Powerful all-in-one camera trapping data analysis

Transform raw data into statistical results and cut your workload by up to 85%. We resolve camera trapping studies’ big data issue by standardizing and automating the analysis in a user-friendly interface.

Key facts How it works

Key facts

From raw data to statistics, maps and graphics


Save time, save money

Exstensive tests shown that lepus cuts your workload by up to 85% compared to a manual analysis.

Data integrity

Increase trust in results

lepus is full of automations, standardisations and verifications allowing you to trust more your data.


Anywhere, anytime

lepus is based on the cloud: access, manage and export your data from any device.


By & for biologists

lepus has a gorgeous, user friendly interface and require zero programming skills.

How it works

They trust us

Empowering research institutes and students to analyse their data efficiently


Our users' satisfaction

Interface 94%

Edition features 94%

Results features 88%

Accessibility 88%

Importation 100%

Support quality 100%

Support reactivity 100%

Time saved 100%

Jeanne K. Biologist (M.Sc.) University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland Determination of the european brown hare abundance in a forest and mozaïc context, using Random Encounter Model (REM) and Punctual Abundance Index (PAI). (Neuchâtel canton, Switzerland, 2018)
Dina G. Biologist University of Bern, Switzerland Density estimations of ungulate prey species based on camera trap data. (Switzerland, 2018)
Laureline M. Life Sciences (M.Sc.) University of applied sciences and arts, Switzerland Optimisation of a census method using mark-resight to assess wild boar numbers. (Neuchâtel canton, Switzerland, 2018)
Fabrice B. Environmental engineer University of applied sciences and arts, Switzerland Key determinant of the distribution, the specific richness and the abundancy of the medium and large mammals in a dry forest ecosystem: anthropogenic or environmental factors? (Tanzania, 2018)

Get started

How it works


Don’t bother importing your data, we do it for you. All you need is to send us your raw data.


Automatically regroup data in capture events and describe species, and as much parameters as you need with tags. Save up to 85% time.


With statistical models, powerful queries, spatial system and graphics, all you need to interpret your data is built in.


If needed, results can be exported in different formats (.csv, GIS, etc.) for being used in other specific softwares.

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Presented at IUGB 2017

International Union of Game Biologists
August 23rd in Montpellier (F)

IUGB 2017

Watch video Download .pdf

List of features · Changelog

Release Feature Type Add / edit Random Encounter Model parameters for each taxon found in project Base Create / edit complex queries easily with query modules to filter sites (time, spatial and taxa filtering) and compute sites-related information on the map Results Generate Random Encounter Model density estimation per taxon, and filter with query modules (time, spatial and taxa filtering) Results Export computed sites-related information in .json (for ArcGIS) and .geojson (i.e. for QGIS) format for GIS softwares Exportation Generate a estimator of the global number of individuals for the project based on tags data and spatio-temporal constraints Results Create / edit complex queries easily with query modules to calculate statistics Results Export computed statistics in .csv format Exportation Export events data in .csv format, with a selection of fields Exportation Visualise computed statistics in tables and graphs Results Visualise global quick statistics for the project (images, events, cameras, taxa, etc.) General
3.1101.06.18 Create / edit edition event flags and specify icon Base
3.1101.06.18 Filter events by flags Edition
3.1101.06.18 Flag (multiple) an event Edition Save and automatic iteration to next undescribed event Edition
3.916.04.18 Split event : add more than one taxon by splitting in sub-events, with multiple timeline visualisation Edition Edit camera sites setting and removing dates per session Base
3.815.03.18 Add / remove event tags by tag name and specify tag values Edition
3.815.03.18 Create / edit camera site tags and specify parameters including value type Base
3.815.03.18 Create / edit event tags and specify parameters including value type Base
3.815.03.18 Database tasks notifications General
3.612.01.18 Asynchronous image and thumbnail loading Accessibility
3.506.01.18 Create / edit zone levels Base
3.506.01.18 Import camera sites information and spatial data Importation
3.425.12.17 Create / edit zones in a zone level and assign camera sites Base Accessibility is restricted by night (european time) Accessibility Filter and visualise events with a query builder assistant Results Visualise quick statistics per session (images, events, cameras, taxa, etc.) General Visualise quick statistics per zone of a zone level (images, events, cameras, taxa, etc.) General
α Add / edit camera sites information and spatial data Base
α Add taxon and number of individuals information Edition
α Create / edit charts in chart templates with display and data source parameters Results
α Edit projects descriptions Base
α Four working modes General
α Icon showing the period of the day (day, night, twilights) Edition
α Let Lepus team import your data Support
α Live image brightness and contrast treatment with controls keyboard shortcuts Edition
α Modifiy general visualisation options (settings) General
α Quick buttons for saving event (no animal, team) Edition
α Run automatic detection of the events based on time interval parameters Edition
α Visualise / interact with camera sites on a map and filter by site or zone Results
α Visualise and select a sessions in a project Edition
α Visualise camera sites on a map Base
α Visualise event data : date of picture, session, camera site, event id and taxon Edition
α Visualise events with display and ordering parameters Results
α Visualise images of an event Edition
α Visualise images of an event in "time-laps" display with timeline and controls Edition
α Visualise projects names, descriptions and status General